ROTOVAC DHX Carpet Restoration Powerwand
Most carpet cleaners use the traditional method of scrubbing, an adapted procedure for forty-plus years—the manual scrub wand. However, limitations, such as increased physical exertion and restrictive two-direction cleaning, make manual scrubbing toilsome and time consuming, particularly when tackling large soiled areas. In addition, manual scrubbing often produces mediocre results, at best. The manual wand may work, but it’s old technology and gives you nothing new or different to market to your customers.
ON the other hand, the ROTOVAC DHX Carpet Restoration Powerwand offers a unique marketing tool for your business.
Why—because the ROTOVAC DHX is a customer pleaser. Results speak for themselves, when heavily soiled carpets are restored and revitalized. And when previously matted traffic areas and stubborn built up stains are brought back to life. And the best thing is carpets are restored with minimal operator physical exertion. Customers might just become your cheerleaders! Referral business might boost!
Dual high torque motors, along with an ergonomically designed dual-grip handle, team up to make the DHX extremely user friendly. Equipped with a variable head speed control dial on the handle to allow the operator to adjust the speed from 0 to 250 rpm. Versatile! The DHX adapts to all carpets, from commercial glue-downs to installed over-pad residential carpeting. (Please note for best results, glue down carpet may require a slower head speed, while padded plush carpeting may require a faster head speed.)
The DHX is airflow-calibrated and high-pressure plumbed, made to operate with everything from compact carpet cleaning extractors to the more powerful truck mount systems.
Here's how it works:
The ROTOVAC Carpet Restoration Powerwand employs a patented process of Rotary Jet Extraction cleaning. Each stainless steel cleaning head has three spray jets followed by three vacuum slots. Dual high torque gear motors power the heads in a counter-rotating motion at 0 to 250 rpm to produce an astounding 1500 rotary cleaning passes per minute!
The patented dome-shaped design of the cleaning heads completely encapsulates the spray jets and vacuum slots to create a "steam chamber" effect in the cleaning zone, leading to minimal heat loss. This powerful combination of contained-heat, agitation and multiple flushing-action creates cleaning dynamics that cannot be equaled with a manual wand!
- Ergonomically Designed Dual Grip Handle
- Adjustable Speed Control Dial 0 - 250 RPM
- Stainless Steel Telescoping Handle
- Dual High Torque Gear Motors
- Carpet Pile Height Adjustment Wheel
We guarantee the DHX will improve your cleaning!